This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. 1847, 5¢ red brown (Scott 1), Manuscript X atop glowing red grid cancels, large clear…
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. Four and one half margin example. Next stamp shows at top left. A very fortunate and…
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. Attractive blue grid cancel. Very TINY filed thin that is scarcely detectable and not visible from…
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. A fine to very fine four margin example. It has a very slight…
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. Very fine, four margins, sound example. No defects. A gorgeous stamp.…
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. Affordable USA #1 Benjamin Franklin. Four margin example, fault free. …
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. 1847, 5¢ red brown (Scott #1), red grid cancel, rich color and impression within nice…
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. Very light unobtrusive red cancel, four margins that are clear to large. …
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. A choice stamp, very light red cancel, four large to extra large margins all around.…
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. A very affordable example of the USA first postage stamp. Fine centering. Red circular…
Scott Catalog #7 Benjamin Franklin, 1c - Blue - Type II, Imperforate. Sound condition. 2006 Scott retail is $160.00. Very fine. Portion of next stamp showing at the bottom.…
Three margin example, parts of two adjacent stamps show.. Black circular town cancel.…
Two and half margins. Parts of two adjacent stamps visible. Upper left hand side corner creased.…
Three full margins. Black circular cancel. Upper right hand side corner crease.…
Three full and almost four margins. Beautiful intense black PAID cancel.…
Four margins except for tiny cut in at top left. JAN 31 town cancel. Corner crease.…
Three margins. Clear blue NOV 20 cancel. Slight cut in at bottom right hand side.…
Three margins. Nick on right hand side. Clear OCT 28 Haverhill, MASS cancel.…
Rare Cancel with year date NOV 5 1855, likely Washington, DC. Stamp has numerous faults.…
#15 Washington 10¢ Green Type III. 2023 Scott retail value is $145.00. Sound stamp. This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
2024 Scott Catalog value: $250.00 From Scott Catalog: From Scott: "Values for #71 are for examples with small margins, especially at the sides. Large-margined examples sell for much more." …
#73 Jackson 2¢ 1862-66 Issue. 2023 Scott retail value is $70.00. Probably reperfed at right and bottom. Sound stamp. This is a photo of the actual stamp…
Philatelic Foundation certificate #0312073. Very fine. This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive. …
Rare stamp. Average centering. Couple of perforations missing. This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
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