1976 Bicentennial Era State FlagsIssued in 1976, the 50 State Flag stamps have become one of the most popular se-tenant sets ever issued. Demand is only increasing. …
Mint, Never Hinged. Nationally advertised price: $30.00…
13¢ Captain Cook complete mint sheet of 50 stamps, Never Hinged Nationally advertised price: $40.00…
15¢ Photography complete sheet of 40 stamps. Mint and never hinged.…
Mint, Never Hinged Nationally advertised price: $31.50…
15¢ Letters, complete sheet of 60 stamps. Never Hinged.…
(18¢) "B" Stamp, Perforated 11x10½, Never Hinged Nationally advertised price: $85.00…
15¢ Dolley Madison. Issued on the anniversary of her birth. She was the wife of President James Madison. She knew 12 of our country's Presidents. When the…
Nationally advertised price: $41.50…
Mint, Never Hinged Nationally advertised price: $44.00…
15¢ Everett Dirksen, Never Hinged Nationally advertised price: $32.50…
#1912-19 Space Achievement, Sheet of 48 Nationally advertised price: $45.00…
Mint, Never Hinged Nationally advertised price: $57.75…
Complete mint never hinged sheet of 50 stamps, Perforated 11¼x11. Never Hinged.…
Complete mint sheet. Perforated 10½x11¼. Never Hinged.…
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