Unused United States stamps, #600 to #699. Some of the stamps in this category are one of a kind. Click on the title to read the complete description of each stamp. Hinged stamps are described in the description.
Displaying 1 to 50 (of 125 products)
2¢ General Pulaski, Polish Patriot, Never Hinged.…
#606 Washington, 2¢ Carmine, Never hinged.
To receive a pair change the quantity ordered to 2.…
1½¢ Harding, Never Hinged.…
1½¢ #605 Harding, Yellow Brown, Never hinged
To receive a pair change the quantity ordered to 2.…
Never hinged booklet single.
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
1¢ Franklin Coil, Never hinged.
Pairs available. Change the quantity ordered to 2.…
2¢ #681 Ohio River, Carmine Rose, Never Hinged…
2¢ Massachusetts Bay, Never Hinged.…
2¢ Von Steuben, Never Hinged.…
2¢ George Rogers Clark, Never Hinged.…
2¢ Battle of Fallen Timbers, Never Hinged…
2¢ Sullivan, Never Hinged.…
2¢ Edison, Flat Press, Never Hinged.…
2¢ Edison, Rotary Press issue, Perforate 11x10¢. Never Hinged.…
2¢ Braddock's Field, Never Hinged.…
Lightly hinged.
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
2¢ Harding, Black, Perforated 11, Never Hinged.…
2¢ Washington at Valley Forge, Never Hinged…
2¢ Burgoyne.
Very fine centered with few gum skips. If the back of the stamp doesn't overly concern you this is a thrifty…
2¢ Vermont, Never Hinged.…
2¢ Molly Pitcher, Never Hinged…
2¢ Carolina-Charleston 250th Anniversary, Never Hinged…
2¢ Aeronautics Conference, Never Hinged.…
Never hinged.
To receive a horizontal pair change the quantity ordered to 2.…
Very lightly hinged. fine-very fine centering.
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
Light horizontal crease.
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
To receive a pair change the quantity ordered to 2.
Never hinged…
13¢ William Harrison, Never Hinged.…
Very lightly hinged. Fine centering.
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
#620 Norse American Centennial Issue. Average Centering, Never Hinged.…
Very lightly hinged once.
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
Garfield 6¢, Never hinged.…
Gum bend.
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
Never hinged.
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
9¢ Jefferson, Never hinged…
Never hinged. Fine centering.
This is a photo of the actual stamp you will receive.…
Mint and never hinged but slightly disturbed gum.…
5¢, Theodore Roosevelt, Dark Blue Never hinged.…
#636 Martha Washington 4¢ Mint, Never hinged…
11¢ Rutherford B. Hayes, Perforated 11x10½. Never Hinged.…
Displaying 1 to 50 (of 125 products)